Telenko Lab
Our research program focuses on promoting sustainable and economically sound disease management practices in Indiana field crops. We have an interdisciplinary plant pathology research and extension program involved in studying the biology and management of soilborne and foliar pathogens of agronomic crops.
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
915 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
Lilly Hall Room 1-317
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Tel: 765-496-5168
Weekly Image Spotlight
Job Opportunity – Field Research Assistant!
We have a opening for a field research assistant to join our team. The job will entail the assistance in management of field and greenhouse research experiments for integrated disease management strategies in Indiana field crops. Questions contact
READ MOREBlack Soybeans in Indiana. What is causing it and the potential for reduced soybean seed quality.
Authors: Darcy Telenko, Shaun Casteel, John Bonkowski and Tom Creswell There have been many reports of black areas in soybean fields in Indiana this season. These areas have appeared after weather from hurricane Helene passed through the region. In the
READ MOREStalk and Ear Rots: Identify Them Now to Help with Harvest Decisions.
Darcy Telenko and Dan Quinn It is now time to evaluate fields for any stalk or ear rot symptoms. This will aid in making assessments about field harvest order and if there is a risk of mycotoxin contamination. There are
READ MORETar Spot and Southern Corn Rust Update in Indiana
Southern corn rust has now been confirmed in four counties (Knox, Dubois, Warrick, and Shelby) this week in Indiana (Figure 1). While tar spot continues to be documented across the state (Figure 2). I suggest if you have not gotten
READ MORERed Crown Rot of Soybean: What to do if you suspect it is in your field.
Red crown rot of soybean has become a new concern this season in Indiana after a few localized occurrences have been found in previous years (see map, Figure 1A). We also have our first reports for 2024. This disease is
READ MOREFoliar Disease Update in Indiana Corn and Soybean
It is important to continue to scout for diseases in both corn and soybeans. Recent rains following Beryl have created favorable environmental conditions for the development of foliar diseases in both crops. In my scouting rounds and samples submitted to
READ MOREUpdate on Disease Risk in Corn in Indiana
We are starting to see common diseases in the lower canopy of corn, as we were out scouting this past week as early planted corn has begun to tassel in Indiana. A few diseases that I have seen and samples
READ MORECheck out this short video about fungicide timing for tar spot of corn
Tar spot was found in Indiana on June 10 in Porter County, and since then four more counties have had the disease confirmed. Tar spot is still at a very low severity on the lower leaves, and mainly on corn
READ MOREFoliar Disease Scouting Tips: What to Look for in Corn
Tar spot confirmed and active in Indiana this week Corn growth stages are quite variable across Indiana but a number of areas with early planted corn about waist high. We just scouted our research plots in northern Indiana at the
READ MOREEvaluation of New Technology For Foliar Disease Management in Indiana Soybean and Corn
Aerial drone application technology has recently become available and may address limitations by providing greater agility to monitor and apply under conditions where obstacles and poor field conditions limit current pesticide application equipment. As aerial drones are more readily available,
READ MOREFusarium Head Blight (Scab) and Wheat Update
Wheat is starting to head out across the central and northern Indiana, with flowering not too far behind. Our plots in southern Indiana hit early anthesis (flowering) last week and we put out our Feekes 10.5.1 fungicide trials out at
READ MOREFoliar Diseases of Wheat and Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) Management
It is time to keep an eye on wheat for diseases and scab risk. There are a number of foliar diseases in wheat to watch out for. These include – leaf, strip and stem (Fig. 1A,B,C), Septoria leaf spot and