Telenko Lab - About Us

Our research program focuses on promoting sustainable and economically sound disease management practices in Indiana field crops. We have an interdisciplinary plant pathology research and extension program involved in studying the biology and management of soilborne and foliar pathogens of agronomic crops.

This research encompasses four major themes:

  1. Detection and monitoring of disease pathogens to minimize and/or detect the development of fungicide resistance or impact of new diseases in field crops.
  2. Integration and evaluation of new chemistries or tools into cropping systems.
  3. Evaluation of host resistance.
  4. Exploration of new biopesticide options to improve disease management.


The information generated from our research program is used to support extension efforts focused on providing timely and reliable information to growers and industry stakeholders to encourage the adoption of integrated management strategies for improved production efficiency and increase awareness of how diseases impact crop yield potential in Indiana.

Prospective Students

Thank you for your interest in our Lab and in Purdue University. I receive a number of inquiries regarding the availability of research positions in the lab, and unfortunately at this time we do not have any open opportunities.

Telenko Lab - People


Darcy E. P. Telenko, Ph. D.

Principle Investigator
Associate Professor, Field Crop Pathologist and Extension Specialist Email: Phone: 765-496-5168

Our interdisciplinary plant pathology research and Extension program is involved in researching the biology and management of soilborne and foliar pathogens of agronomic crops. The program is focused on recognizing and understanding new and emerging diseases and their potential impact on Indiana agriculture. Our research is used to support extension efforts focused on providing timely and reliable information to growers and industry stakeholders to encourage the adoption of integrated management strategies for improved production efficiency and increase awareness of how diseases impact crop yield potential in Indiana.


Steven Brand

Field Research Associate

MSc - University of Illinois – Bioenergy ​
BS - Illinois State - Biology

As a Field Research Associate, I am responsible for setting up and maintaining field trials in corn, soybeans, and wheat for disease management research. My job consists of field mapping and trial set up, equipment maintenance and transportation, planting, pesticide applications, trial maintenance, data collection, and harvesting.


Su Shim

Research Associate/Lab manager

MSc (MPH) - Public Health, Purdue University
BS - Pharmaceutical Science, Purdue University

Current Research/Projects
My current research involves evaluating tillage, hybrid, and fungicide efficacy for diseases in corn - Evaluate the National Predictive Modeling Tool for diseases affecting corn, including tar spot, NCLB, and GLS, to inform better management decisions.

Camila Rocco da Silva

Graduate Student

MSc 2018 - State University of Maringa, PR, Brazil - Plant Protection
BS 2016 - Federal University of Mato Grosso, MT, Brazil - Agronomy

Current Research/Projects
My current research involves two different projects:
1. Evaluating fungicide programs and application timing on tar spot management in Indiana corn.
2. Integrated disease management of Fusarium head blight, white mold and tar spot in organic crop systems.

More information about Camila Rocco da Silva

Monica Sayuri Mizuno

Visiting Scholar

MSc 2021 - State University of Maringa, PR, Brazil - Plant Protection
BS 2018 - State University of Maringa, PR, Brazil - Agronomy

Current research
1. Evaluate the potential of using imaging technology for early detection of Cercospora sojina infection before it is visually detected.
2. Field scale evaluation of drones vs. ground equipment in corn and soybean diseases in Indiana.
3. Fungicide efficacy and timing for foliar diseases in corn and soybean.

More information about Monica Mizuno


Morgan Goodnight

Graduate Student

BS - Biology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

Current research
1. Evaluation of hybrid susceptibility and fungicide timing for tar spot (Phyllachora maydis) on corn in the U.S. and Canada.
2. Determine impacts of irrigation and environmental conditions on tar spot severity and P. maydis ascospore quantity in Indiana.

More information about Morgan Goodnight


Ivis Miranda

Visiting Scholar


BS 2022 - Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School, Honduras - Agronomy

Current research
Comparison of planting dates and seed treatments on soybean in Indiana.

More information about Ivis Miranda


Emily Duncan

Graduate Student

I have recently started to pursue my MS graduate degree in the Telenko lab. I have been a part of the research team since May 2019 as an undergraduate. My role has been to assist in field and lab activities. These jobs include planting crops, disease rating, data processing, fungi inoculation, DNA extraction, and running gel electrophoresis. This lab has allowed me to use my molecular biology knowledge and apply it to corn, soy, and wheat diseases.

More information about Emily Duncan


Emilia Myers

Undergraduate Research Assistant

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Natural Resources and Environmental Science with a concentration in Environmental Quality and Restoration. I've always had a passion for the environment, and in true Midwest fashion I’m excited to focus that passion on corn and soybeans this summer. My job this summer is going to have me out in the field planting crops and collecting soil samples as well as entering trial data in the lab. I’m excited to use my existing soil knowledge this summer, expand on that, and support the research that is being done in the lab in whatever way that I can.



Juan David Peña Roncancio

Visiting Scholar


BS Agronomic Engineering (2024), School of Agricultural Sciences - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C

I am passionate about plant pathology, particularly the field dynamics of pathogens and exploring the best management strategies. As a Visiting Scholar in the Telenko Lab, I have the opportunity to enhance my scientific research skills by contributing to field research activities, including trial setups, data collection, and sampling.

Photo MarianaMoreano

Mariana Moreano Acevedo

Visiting Undergraduate Scholar

I am a Visiting Scholar from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Agronomical Engineering. I recently joined the Telenko Lab, where I assist with data collection to assess corn diseases, including ear sample ratings and various field activities. I have also gained experience in fungi identification and isolation, as well as in disease rating. I am excited to expand my knowledge of research and disease assessment at the Telenko Lab.

More information about Mariana Moreano Acevedo

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Edward Pena Roncancio

Visiting Scholar


BS 2023 – Univerisdad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia – Agronomic Enginieer

As a visiting scholar, I support activities carried out both in the field and in the lab. My research interests lie in phytopathology, with a particular emphasis on developing rational and sustainable strategies for disease management.

Kelly McPhail

Emma Orr

Undergraduate Research Assistant

I am an undergraduate research assistant majoring in Biology looking to further my education on plant and botany pathology. Here, I am able to learn hands-on in the lab, by collecting samples, trial data, and doing lab activities like DNA extraction. I am excited to support the lab research, and graduate students, as well as learn more about plants and the diseases that affect plants like corn and soybeans in Indiana.

Telenko Lab - Former Lab Members

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Corbin Howard Wentworth

Undergraduate Research Assistant

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Ecology, Evolution, and Environment Biology. My field duties focus mostly on collecting data, irrigating crops, and conducting disease ratings. My lab duties include data entry, processing samples, and preparing media. This opportunity not only allows me to develop my knowledge of crop pathology, but also fuels my passion for environmental stewardship and sustainable agriculture. I'm eager to continue learning and making meaningful contributions to this lab and the  field.


Destin Javai Gentillon

Undergraduate Research Assistant

I’m an undergraduate studying Environmental Geoscience, concentrating on water and soil science. As an undergrad research assistant this summer, I’m assisting the Telenko lab with collecting and processing crop, soil, and disease data from the field, preparing inoculum and pesticides, and helping with the upkeep, planting, and harvesting of crops throughout the summer, and supporting the other scientists with their work.

Nileshwari Yewle

Visiting Scholar

I am visiting scholar in the Telenko Lab. During this last year I have assisted in fieldwork and collecting plant disease research data. Analyzed hyperspectral images for early-stage soybean plant SDS disease detection. Learned laboratory techniques including PCR and DNA sequencing and conducted statistical analysis and interpreted data.

More information about Nileshwari Yewle 

Mariama Brown

Former Graduate Student

Ph.D. 2023 - Plant Pathology, Purdue University, U. S. 
MSc 2018 - Plant Science - Delaware State University, U.S.
BS 2015 - Agricultural Education-  College of Agriculture, Science & Education, Portland Jamaica.

Dissertation: Examining the effectiveness of integrated management tactics for sudden death syndrome in soybean (Fusarium virguliforme), analyzing the spatial and temporal expression of FvTox1 from F. virguliforme, and identifying a spectral signature or index that is associated with disease.

More information about Mariama Brown


Kaitlin Waibel

Former Graduate Student

M.S. 2023 - Plant Pathology, Purdue University
B.S. - Agronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette

Thesis: Fungicide timing, resistance Monitoring, and Phytopathometry for field crop diseases in Indiana

More information about Kaitlin Waibel


Audrey M. Conrad

Former Graduate Student

M.S. 2022 - Botany and Plant Pathology - Purdue University
B.S. - Biological Engineering - Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Thesis: Management of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in soybean using the biofungicides Coniothyrium minitans and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

tiffanna ross

Tiffanna J. Ross

Former Graduate Student

PhD - Plant Pathology, Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University
MSc - Agricultural Regulations (Molecular Biology & Plant Biotechnology) - University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, U.S.
BS - General Agriculture - University of Guyana, Tekeyen Campus

Dissertation: Tar spot of corn: Population dynamics, economic impact, and management in Midwestern United States.


Natalia Pineros Guerrero

Former Graduate student

M.S. Purdue University - Botany and Plant Pathology
BS- Agronomy- School of Agricultural Sciences - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C

Thesis: Quinone outside inhibitor (Qoi) fungicide resistance and mating-type distribution of Cercospora sojina populations on soybean from Indiana



Cayla Haupt

Undergraduate Research Assistant



Lindsey Berebitsky

Undergraduate Research Assistant

More information about Lindsey Berekitsky


Audrey Toogood

Undergraduate Research Assistant



Amelia Chaille

Undergraduate Research Assistant



Cora Jane Reynolds

Undergraduate Research Assistant



Ryan Gray

Undergraduate Research Assistant